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We service hard-to-find
enterprise capacity parts
for use in robotic applications
including military and
agricultural facilities.

This component arrives with a
90 day protection plan.

All modules conform to
UL or other industry standardized
quality certifications.

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Sales and Distribution of Obsolete and End of Life, Reclaimed and Refurbished, LCD Panels and LCD Inverters

Last Update: 3/1/2023  |  © 2023 | PO Box 220 | Perry, ME | 04667 | United States of America

Slow and steady wins the race.

Meaning: Slow and consistent work leads to better chance of success than quick work in spurts.
Example: X: I’ve built a strong vocabulary by learning a word a day for the last three years. Y: Mine has been much less even though I’ve had days when I polished ten words. I guess slow and steady wins the race.