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[ 925430 ]

Circuit Board

925430 circuit board 925430 circuit board 925430 circuit board

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We specialize in obsolete
business class products
for use in high availability environments
as well as petro-chemical and
defense installations.

This assembly is sold with a
3 month failure agreement.

These units conform to
UL or other industry standardized
quality certifications.

Click  for
discount pricing or
manufacturer specifications. Order Status Part Quotes Support Options

Sales and Distribution of Obsolete and End of Life, Reclaimed and Refurbished, LCD Panels and LCD Inverters

Last Update: 11/6/2020  |  © 2020 | PO Box 220 | Perry, ME | 04667 | United States of America

Strike while the iron is hot.

Meaning: Take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists.
Example: I thought over the job offer I got way too long. Now it has been offered to someone else. I should have struck while the iron was hot.